June 19, 2023
9:00 am
Antsy Nancy
Are you ready for some Pin-worthy fun! We’re looking for the kiddos who love to craft. We’ll work with multiple mediums this week to create one-of-a-kind treasures.
Monday: Tie Dye T-Shirt and Custom Overnight Tote
Tuesday: Planter Transformation Fairy Garden
Wednesday: Stenciled Painted Tray or Sign
Thursday: Gum Ball Machine Inspired Candy Jar
Friday: Memory Boxes
Camp is 9am-12pm with an optional lunch and game hour from 12pm-1pm. On Monday, campers will tie dye a camp t-shirt. For repeat campers, they can opt for a 2nd shirt or a new special project. Antsy Nancy Summer Camp is ideal for ages 6-14, but each child is different and has different experience levels and needs. Please contact us with questions or concerns.
Pricing: Camp is $275 per week. 2 Weeks prior to camp start date, if space allows, daily registrations may be made for $75 per day. Optional weekly lunch and Disney movie hour, 12pm-1pm, is $100 per week. If space is available, lunch may be added on a daily request at $25 per day. All materials fees are included in price of camp.
Lunch Calendar – Monday: Eegees, Tuesday: El Molinito, Wednesday: Jimmy’s Pizza, Thursday: Panda Express, Friday: Chik Fil A
Students will be given direction with creative freedom to use their imagination while working with wood, clay, fabric, plants, and pottery.
Upon check-in, students are provided aprons and storage for personal items before visiting the handwashing station. Most activities will take majority of the 9am-12pm timeframe. If students complete projects early, we will do additional arts and crafts, play games, or venture to the library as a group. Snacks are provided and optional lunch hour (with lunch) is available (note any dietary restrictions or allergies). Unless a 2-stage project, students will bring home projects daily.