July 17, 2023
9:00 am
Antsy Nancy
Bonjour mon petit chefs! This week we will focus on the top 5 French pastries: Palmiers, Madeleines, Croissants, Macarons, and Chocolate Eclairs.
Monday: Customize Apron and Palmiers
Tuesday: Madeleines
Wednesday: Croissants
Thursday: Chocolate Eclairs
Friday: Macarons
Camp is 9am-12pm with an optional lunch and game hour from 12pm-1pm. Every Monday, campers will tie dye a camp t-shirt. For repeat campers, they can opt for a 2nd shirt or a new special project. Antsy Nancy Summer Camp is ideal for ages 6-14, but each child is different and has different experience levels and needs. Please contact us with questions or concerns.
Pricing: Camp is $275 per week. 2 Weeks prior to camp start date,if space allows, daily registrations may be made for $75 per day. Optional weekly lunch and Disney movie hour, 12pm-1pm, is $125 per week. If space is available, lunch may be added on a daily request at $25 per day. All materials fees are included in price of camp.
Lunch Calendar – Monday: Eegees, Tuesday: El Molinito, Wednesday: Jimmy’s Pizza, Thursday: Panda Express, Friday: Chik Fil A
Students will learn to read and follow recipes to bake patisserie with precision. We will learn various baking tools and equipment, and the requirement for precise measurement in baking. Kitchen safety and clean-up will be #1 and #2 priorities, at all times.
Upon check-in, students are provided aprons and storage for personal items before visiting the handwashing station. On Monday, we will tie dye camp shirt, before beginning our daily baking activity. Most baking activities will take majority of the 9am-12pm timeframe. If students complete projects early, we will do arts and crafts, play games, or venture to the library as a group. Snacks are provided and optional lunch hour (with lunch) is available (note any dietary restrictions or allergies). Students will bring home a pastry box each day with their goodies to share with family.