May 4, 2024
6:00 pm
Antsy Nancy
Enjoy a fun and festive cooking class focused on the spices and flavors from our neighbor, South of the Border.
Cooking Class Menu:
A “Best Ever” Margarita demonstration and tasting will be served with dinner for students 21 and over.
Students 21+ years are welcome to bring their own wine, champagne, beer, etc. to enjoy during class. Please see our BYOB policy for more details.
Students will learn how to create a meal made famous in a specific country or region. In-person students will receive chef instruction with extensive hands-on learning. Class will end by enjoying the dinner prepared.
Upon check-in, students are provided aprons and storage for personal items before visiting the handwashing station. Students will be seated in a thoroughly cleaned and sanitized workspace and given seating request preference, when available. Tools and materials will be distributed before instructor takes the class step-by-step through the successful recipe execution.