Cooking Around the World: France – Coq au Vin

Class Date:

January 14, 2023

Class Time:

5:00 pm

Event Location:

Antsy Nancy

Our Cooking Around the World classes continue into 2023 with more hands-on cooking opportunities for our students. Beginning with Coq au Vin, (translation: chicken with wine), which is chicken braised with wine, bacon, mushrooms, and garlic.

Cooking Class Menu: 

  • Starter: French Bistro Salad (hands-on student cooking)
  • Entree: Coq au Vin (hands-on student cooking) served with warm, crusty French bread and butter
  • Dessert: Vanilla Crème Brûlée (Instructor demonstration)

An optional, complimentary Scout & Cellar wine will be paired and and served with dinner for students 21 and over. Students are welcome to bring their own wine, champagne, beer, etc. to enjoy during class. Please see our BYOB policy for more details.

Event Timelines

What you will learn

Students will learn how to create a meal made famous in a specific country or region. In-person students will receive chef instruction with extensive hands-on learning. Class will end by enjoying the dinner prepared.

What to expect

Upon check-in, students are provided aprons and storage for personal items before visiting the handwashing station. Students will be seated in a thoroughly cleaned and sanitized workspace and given seating request preference, when available. Tools and materials will be distributed before instructor takes the class step-by-step through the successful recipe execution.

Class Expired

Event Location:

Total Seats: 16 (2 Available)
  • Antsy Nancy
  • 5655 E River Rd., #101
  • Tucson
  • AZ
  • 85750
  • USA

Date and Time

  • January 14, 2023 5:00 pm   -   8:00 pm
